Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Ecology and Conservation

Ecology and Conservation

Code: 38430
ECTS: 5.5
Lecturers in charge: dr. sc. Igor Peternel , prof. struč. stud.
Lecturers: Marinela Vulić - Lectures

Marinela Vulić - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Exercises 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Learning outcomes:
  1. , Črnjar M. i K. - Menadžment održivog razvoja - Glas - 1. - 2009.
    Matas i dr. - Zaštita okoliša danas za sutra - Školska knjiga - Zagreb - 1992., , , .
  2. , EU - Direktiva EU 2011/92 - EU parlament - 1 - 2011.
    Nacionalna strategija zaštite okoliša RH - NN 46/2002 - 1 - 2002., , , .
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Professional Study Programme of Safety and Protection Engineering
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Professional Study Programme of Safety and Protection Engineering
Consultations schedule: